
Thursday, June 13, 2013

"Getting to know you". . . "Ahhhh"

Getting to know each other can be fun!  
Who am I?

I am Jean Marie, 
  • Ok so let's get this settled first.  It is pronounced Je`an, like Jean Luke Picard or Jean Claude van Damme.  Yes it is spelled in the male sense, I know! I didn't fill out the birth certificate though, something about me being an infant and not yet having eye-hand coordination, but lets not hate on my parents, they meant well. :)  (was that to many commas? Hmm)

I am going to be 36 in July.  I have been married for 17 years and have 3 awesome sons ages 16, 14, and 11.  Also, I have recently finished graduate school with a M.S. in speech language pathology.


    "But this blog is about healthy stuff and some fitness and maybe a black eye!
                    True but we are getting to know each other, remember! 

So, back to me.  
During graduate school I found 20 pounds.  
                    "Dang, education makes your brain fat!"
No silly, Education makes your brain retain knowledge; bad, unhealthy, fatty foods and no exercise makes your body fatter.  (No, I am not fat and I know this.) 

Prior to starting graduate school I had successfully lost 73 pounds.  The summer of 2009 I had finally had enough! I didn't take pictures, I didn't wear clothes I liked, I didn't own a bathing suit! So I got busy! I cycled 18 miles 2 days a week that summer, ran, and went to the gym 3 days a week for 2+ hours a day.  I logged every bite I ate into an app (Loose It) and  by April 2010 I had hit my goal of 165!  WOOHOO!! Yay! 
You know you want a before and after!! Ok, well here it is… 

So then I kept the weight off and still went to the gym, ran, and cycled regularly. 
        I loved doing that! 

                    Then came graduate school! 
                    DUN DUN DUNNN
During my 2 years in graduate school, traveling 4-5 days a week 62 miles one way to school, I managed to find 20 pounds and lose all of my muscle that I worked so hard to build.  I ate like crap, I was stressed, and practically had a diet coke & coffee drip attached to me the entire time!  Recipe for disaster!! 
I even got shingles in the middle of all that! FUN, right!? NO!! 

So now I am finished with graduate school, SWEET! I even have a great job that I start the beginning of July, AMAZING! and I have muscle to regain and some fat to dispose of. WOOHOO!
Now before I show my after grad school photo, I want you guys to understand one thing! 

I love my Grandmother with all my heart and she was always my best friend.
Yet, she spent the last 7 years of her life in a nursing home due to her inability to recover from a broken hip because of her weight.  She was overweight my entire life.  I never saw her as that though.  She was my life and loved me more that a grandmother should.  She raised me through high school and helped me grow into an honest and caring woman. 

So, that being said, I may not be "fat" to you guys, but obesity is a fact on one side of my family and cancer and disease is the reality on the other side.  I am fighting a two sided battle to show my children that obesity, cancer, and illness do not have to be in our futures.  By eating a healthy cleaner diet and living an active life we can overcome the past and create a new future for our family.  

Okay so here is my "After grad. school photo."

I know, it's not the end of the world.  However, on the inside, the feelings I get when I put on my clothes and they don't fit.  I feel like I have gained back every bit I lost!  
I came so far and worked so hard and then I let it go away!  I can't blame school.  I made the decisions to eat junk and drink junk.  I also can't dwell on the past and what I did and what I was. 
What I can do is start anew, start fresh, start living again! 

So I am starting this blog.  I am starting it not just for those who want to be pretty like the magazine! That's just not real.  I am starting it for me and anyone who wants to have fun and make changes for a healthier life, whether it is thin or heavy set.  

Don't we all want to be healthy? (please say yes!)

So let's start today! I told my cousin this once, and now I am telling myself! 

p.s.  I forgot, I am also a vegetarian :) but you eat what you want, I'm not on a mission to conform anyone!

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