What determines failure?
Sometimes what may feel like a failure can truly be success hiding in the shadows.
I had decided to go cycling for at least 20 miles this morning. However, it was not meant to be. This distance is no crazy feat for me. Recently I have been doing 20+ miles regularly with plenty of energy to spare.

-Back story, I injured my knee a few years
ago during p90x,then continued exercising
and ended up in a brace with crutches for
3 months. This was absolutely NO fun. -
About three miles out my knee began to bother me. By mile five I needed a break! All I could think was,
"You pussy! You are so out of shape! Suck it up!"
This was not a fair thought though, clearly from the past few weeks I have proven to myself that I could do much more on routes with more hills. I ate my Honey Stinger waffle straddling my bike trying to figure out why my knee was giving me such a problem.
Didn't take long to conclude that all the walking around
towns, up hills, up & down stairs over the past week on
vacation did not help my knees condition.
It took a minute to calm my ego and decide to turn around. Even though I wanted to push through and keep going, treating my knee like a spoiled child that won't eat his broccoli. So I listened my body, turned around, eased off the gears, and headed home at 5.2 miles. As soon as I clicked my shoe back into my peddle a pain hit me and I knew I made the right decision!
It may have felt like a failure; however, in failing to achieve the goal I had set for today, I succeeded in doing what I am worst at.
I listened to my body!
I listened and most likely avoided a serious re-injury of an old enemy, my bum knee!
Even though I was upset for not being able to finish my planned ride, I am proud of my ability to extinguish the negative thoughts and realize that making there right decisions for my body is the real success.
Success can hide in our failures
So tell me, where is your success hiding?